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主辦單位   |   香港音樂家協會    中國21世紀友好協進會    北京保利劇院管理有限公司
承辦單位   |   深圳市保利劇院演出經營有限公司

香港國際合唱節Hong Kong International Choral Festival

          經過十餘年的醞釀和精心籌備,在香港音樂家協會、中國21世紀友好協進會及北京保利劇院管理有限公司等單位的共同組織下,第一屆香港國際合唱節(Hong Kong International Choral Festival 2024)定於2024年10月2-6日在香港、深圳兩地聯合舉行。



活動簡章 及 賽事規則

Hong Kong International Choral Festival is presented by Hong Kong Musician Association, China 21 Bureau, Beijing Poly Theatre Management Co., Ltd​. The festival will take place in both Hong Kong and Shenzhen from October 2 to 6, 2024.

The festival will feature a variety of activities, including international choral competitions, opening and closing ceremonies and award ceremonies, international friendship concerts, National Day celebration concerts, and international master classes. The festival will also welcome many international experts and renowned choirs, who will share their insights and performances with the audience. The festival aims providing a high-quality platform for choral groups from different countries to showcase their talents, receiving professional feedback, learning from each other, and fostering musical and cultural exchanges.

Click here for Festival Brochure and Regulation


Entry Categories

01 幼兒合唱組別
齊唱或合唱,7歲以下,表演2 首作品 (時限≤7分),≥30人組別。
01 Preschooler's Choir: ≥30 boys and girls aged under 7 performing 2 pieces in unison within 7 minutes.

02 兒童合唱組別 
童聲合唱,6-12歲,表演2 首作品 (時限≤10分),≥30人組別。
02 Young Children's Choir: ≥30 boys and girls aged 6-12 performing 2 pieces within 10 minutes.

03 少兒合唱(1) 組別 
同聲合唱,8-15歲,表演2 首作品* (時限≤11分),≥30人組別。
03 Children's Choir (1): ≥30 members aged 8-15 performing 2 pieces in
equal voices within 11 minutes.
04 少兒合唱(2) 組別 
同聲合唱,10-17歲,表演2-3 首作品* (時限≤12分),≥30人組別。
04 Teen's Choir (2): ≥30 members
 aged 10-17 performing 2-3 pieces in equal voices within 12 minutes.
05 少兒合唱(3) 組別 
混聲合唱,10-17歲,表演2-3 首作品* (時限≤12分),≥30人組別。
05 Teen's Choir (3
): ≥30 members aged 10-17 performing 2-3 pieces  in mixed voices within 12 minutes.
06 青年合唱(1) 組別 
同聲合唱,18-29歲,表演2-3 首作品* (時限≤13分),≥33人組別。
Youth Choir (1): ≥33 members aged 18-29 performing 2-3 pieces in equal voices within 13 minutes.

07 青年合唱(2) 組別 
混聲合唱,18-29歲,表演2-3 首作品* (時限≤13分),≥33人組別。
07 Youth
 Choir (2): ≥33 members aged 18-29 performing 2-3 pieces in mixed voices within 13 minutes.
08 室內合唱(1) 組別 
同聲合唱,沒有年齡限制,表演2-3 首作品* (時限≤13分),16-32人組別。
08 Chamber Choir (1
): 16-32 members performing 2-3 pieces in equal voices within 13 minutes.

09 室內合唱(2) 組別 
混聲合唱沒有年齡限制,表演2-3 首作品* (時限≤13分),16-32人組別。
Chamber Choir (2): 16-32 members performing 2-3 pieces in mixed voices within 13 minutes.
10 同聲合唱組別 
聲合唱,沒有年齡限制,表演2-3 首作品* (時限≤13分),≥33人組別。
Equal Voices Choir: ≥33 members with no age limit performing 2-3 pieces in equal voices within 13 minutes.

11 聲合唱組別 
混聲合唱沒有年齡限制,表演2-3 首作品* (時限≤13分),≥33人組別。
11 Mixed Voices Choir
: ≥33 members with no age limit performing 2-3 pieces in mixed voices within 13 minutes.

12 樂齡合唱(1)組別 
聲合唱,55歲以上,表演2 首作品 (時限≤12分),≥30人組別。
12 Senior Choir (1)
: ≥30 seniors aged 55 or above performing 2 pieces in equal voices within 12 minutes.

13 樂齡合唱(2)組別 
混聲合唱,55歲以上,表演2 首作品 (時限≤12分),≥30人組別。
13 Senior Choir (2)
: ≥30 seniors aged 55 or above performing 2 pieces in mixed voices within 12 minutes.

14 民謠合唱組別 
沒有年齡限制,表演1-3 首作品# (時限≤13分),≥30人組別。
14 Folklore Music
: ≥30 members performing 1-3 pieces within 13 minutes, accepting original or adapted traditional songs of a region.

15 當代合唱組別 
沒有年齡限制,表演3 首作品^ (時限≤14分),≥30人組別。
15 Contemporary
 Music: ≥30 members performing 3 pieces within 14 minutes, pieces after 1970s and two pieces should be specified as one a capella and one foreign work.

*少兒合唱(1), (2), (3)、青年合唱(1), (2) 、室內合唱(1), (2) 、同聲及聲組別選曲要求

必須其中一首為外國作品。 "外國作品" 指非參賽者所在國家的原生及改編的音樂或作曲家創作的作品。詳見“比賽規則”。
*For Children's Choir (1), Teen Choir (2), (3), Youth Choir (1), (2), Chamber Choir (1), (2), Equal Choir and Mixed Choir, a selection of foreign work should be included as requirement. Foreign work applied to any pieces composed or rearranged outside the country or state where the applicant comes from. For details, please refers to Regulation.




1、 經評委會評定及監委會覆核,將為參賽團隊頒發金、銀、銅牌及證書。各評定級別允許空缺,未達到銅牌稱號的團隊將頒發紀念證書。每組比賽達到金牌且得分最高的團隊同時獲得該組別冠軍稱號並獲得冠軍獎盃,當出現並列第一的情況,將通過評委會投票的方式表決。
2、 經評委會評定頒發優秀指揮、優秀伴奏榮譽證書。
3、 組委會可設立特別榮譽並予以表彰。
4、 可向組委會申請合唱團員獲獎證書以及合唱團指導教師證書 (每張證書收費港幣40元)



1. Awarding the participating choir with a sealed 'Certificate of Honor', which includes the Choir name,  Conductor name, Honor level and Judges' signatures.
2. Awarding the 'Certificate of Excellence' for the Conductor and the Accompanist.

3. The organising committee may set up Special Honor.
4. Application for (i) 'Certificate of Achievement' for choir members or (ii) 'Certificate of Artistic Practice' for teachers are applicable (HKD40 each)


More details, please refers to Regulation.

Entry Fee



Participation Team HKD2,200 and HKD3,300 for two entries



Performance Team HKD1,600




Audience HKD1,100





Application deadline is on 10 Sep 2024.

Please enrol through the online registration platform (Click here).

All entry fees are non-refundable.



港澳賽區承辦單位 Application Partnership (HKSAR, Macau SAR and overseas)

香港音樂家協會  |  香港太古城太湖閣地下4號舖

Hong Kong Musician Association

Shop 4, Taiwoo Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong

+852 2886 0589

香港國際合唱節(深圳)組委會 (Hong Kong Choral Festival Committee - Shenzhen China)


3/F, Shenzhen Poly Cultural Center, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China

+86 0755-86371696


Please scan the below QR Code by Wechat application and follow the official account for latest annoucement.

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